Bradford & District
Skating Club
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I missed a few sessions, do you offer refunds?
No. The BDSC is unable to provide refunds for missed Club Programming. Those skaters who purchase ice memberships and are not enrolled in Club Programming are entitled to 5 make-up days per fall/winter session and 3 make-up days per spring session.
2. What is considered Club Programming?
Club Programming is any program which includes the cost of coaching in the fee. The BDSC currently offers CanSkate and Jr. Stars as Club Programming.
3. I registered late. Am I eligible for a discount?
No. There are no discounts for late registration. Registration is offered exclusively on-line and available 24/7 during our registration period.
4. Programming hasn't started and we have decided to withdraw. Why is there a $50 cancellation fee?
Once registration is received, the Club is charged a Skate Canada fee for each skater for membership and insurance; the Club is not able to obtain a refund of this fee from the governing body. In addition, the club pays a non-refundable fee to our registration and on-line payment provider per registration. As a not for profit organization, we simply cannot absorb these fees upon cancellation.
5. My child has attended 3 classes and we have decided not to continue. Why am I not eligible for a prorated refund?
After the second class of programming all coaches and ice have been retained based on registrations and attendance up to the 2nd day of programming. As a not for profit organization, we cannot absorb excess costs for coaching and ice. Special circumstances may be emailed to the Board and will be reviewed on case by case basis.
6. I don't know which level to register for?
We suggest you review the description of the programming offered and register for what you believe is the best fit. Our coaches will assess the skaters on the first and second day of programming and move the skaters to the appropriate level. Coaching needs are finalized after the second day of programming.
*please refer to our Club Policies for further information - E&OE*